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Dialog Works and Wartburg Seminary have collaborated to provide training for the pastoral leaders of small congregations struggling with sustainability issues. Engaging God's Future is a four-course series that has been carefully shaped by synodical leaders, lay leaders, and pastors. Each course has been designed to help the congregation help itself.
The four courses stand alone. However, there is logic in how they are sequenced.
Practical Tools for the Journey focuses on understanding the current situation.
Discerning God's Leading moves toward resolving differences and reaching a consensus on where God is leading the congregation.
A New Chapter in Ministry is a close-up look at implementing change.
Ending with Grace focuses on closing a congregation.
We are at a crucial time in our life together. Many things block building up good relationships and coming to an agreement on the way forward. This workshop will help you prepare and lead crucial, meaning-ful, focused conversations. This strategy is particularly useful when time is short, the stakes are high, and the group is anxious. Participants learn a process for leading crucial conversations, practice, receive feedback, and will earn a certificate for participation.
This workshop is held in two, two-hour online sessions. Enrollment is limited to five people. Session One introduces a four-step approach to crafting a focused conversation. Session Two provides an opportunity for participants to lead a conversation and receive constructive feedback.
This workshop explores the role our culture its stories shape how we understand the present and move into the future. Building upon theories of knowledge from sociology and communication, participants will learn ways to help a person or group move away from problem-saturated stories to a preferred future. The workshop introduces the concepts and skills of narrative mediation and use role play to provide practice to participants.
This workshop is currently being designed. More information will be available soon.